Friday, January 27, 2012

Here is some process work, site work rather, that has led to my 3 design alternatives. Hope you enjoy, and that we can learn from one another... I started by doing some preliminary research on Canola in general, then advanced to the site in question. Originally, I was skeptical on the site's feasibility, but it works out perfectly now I've researched and "discovered" it, if you will. I'm very excited about working this problem out, as I'm sure the solution will naturally resolve itself in due course.


  1. Canola is actually a manufactured hybrid of the wild Rapeseed Plant. Rapeseed grows locally, but contains relatively oils that would/could be detrimental towards the health of (primarily) livestock. Canola is a term derived from 'CAN'adian 'O'il 'L'ow 'A'cid. It's somewhere near 43% oil, and the meal left over after crushing is used mostly for livestock feed, though it has other uses. Canola oil will now be used on Mcdonald's products, after they stopped using coconut oil (fun fact).
